Monday, March 23, 2009

What's a Visor For?

Last night, while visiting Grandpa and Grandma Bodine, Grandpa Bodine took Spencer and Dallan for a ride in his car. He was fiddling with the visor, and Spencer asked him what it was. Grandpa explained that it was a visor. Spencer's face lit up and he exclaimed, "Oh, I know what that's for, you pull it down to pick your zits and moles." Needless to say, when Grandpa told Dani this story she was mortified. Now that I think about it, I'm sure this post isn't going to help much.


Jenny Johnson said...

HILARIOUS!!! WE need to get together soon! For some girl time!

Autumn said...

That is too funny! You can always count on kids to rat their parents out.
And oh, my goodness, I cannot believe that bite mark! That is so sad.

Bev said...

I just love that kid....he tells it just like it is! I added you to my blog list....hope you don't mind, this way I can check on your little fam......

Jenyce Harris said...

Busted!! That's Hilarious! And what is going on with nursery? I have never seen such big bite marks, poor little guy! It can be brutal in there. I had the opportunity to sub last Sunday and let me tell you there was a whole lot of hitting, biting, stealing toys, ect. going on! That was sooooo fun... don't recommend it!

Stu and Angie Milne said...

oh my gosh that is too funny! this is angela milne from church. i'm going to miss having spence in my class, he always said whatever was on his mind.. your blog is too cute!