These pictures are a funny story,looking back (not so funny at the time!) They were actually Carson's 3 month pictures but I have been so busy lately I
haven't had time to blog so here goes... I wanted the boys to get
their first pictures taken together so we scheduled a Friday when Ryan was off work to take them. Our first set of pictures the boys were so good and they listened to the lady , but when we looked at the pictures Carson had spit up and you could see this big thing of spit up on his shirt. So I decided to reschedule for the next week and thought I could do it by myself because the boys were so good the first time (boy was I wrong!). Spencer and
Dallan were pretty much out of control and
wouldn't listen to the lady or me.
Every time the lady asked
Dallan to look at her he would turn his head anyway from the camera,
ahhh! it was making me so mad. Then at some
point one of them (if not both of them) hit Carson on the head and he started crying and pretty much
wouldn't calm down so then when it was time for his pictures he was screaming hysterically (while the boys were throwing balls at the camera might I add). I'm sure the lady thought they were all the most
unruly boys she has ever seen. Anyone that has spent anytime with Carson knows how calm he is and never really
cries so I guess it is funny, but not quite fitting, that he is so mad in his three month
pictures. Better luck next time -there might not be a next time:)) The most
annoying part of it all was as soon as we got in the car Spencer and
Dallan asked if we could go get treats because they were so good, can you believe the nerve!!